5 Instagram filters honoring some Berlin peculiarities
Berlin Trash: Tidiness and Hardship
Sometimes the city is hard on you and this is how you feel.
The ubiquitous orange trash cans always come with a joke to call pedestrians attention and perhaps someday change the city's fame of Dirty. On the side of those, it’s common to see cans and bottles people leave, so others can take and change for money. When these bottles starts appearing more often around them, signs that winter is coming to an end.
Berlin Hustler: Gentrification and Dating.
Nobody knows where this trend started, but the short Beanie (docker mütze) became one of the cliché accessories of the typical Berlin hipster.
Berlin Millionaire: Organized and Environmentally friendly
Pfandautomat are machines placed inside Berlin supermarkets where people can take their empties and change for cash. Many Berliners take the pfand task very seriously! Coming from a country where Pet bottles and cans are all over rivers and beaches It's good to have a system like this and see the citizens participating in a point that people start making jokes about it.
Berlin Most Wanted: Bureaucracy
Among all the documents you gather thru german bureaucracy the Anmeldung (proof of a fixed address) is the holy grail. Without it you can't have a cellphone, open a bank account or have a job.
Berlin Gift: Hippie and Colaborative
This is one of my favorite Berlin peculiarities. Boxes or tags written “Zu Verschenken”(to gift) are all over the city with all sorts of stuff so the next owner can use.
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