
Matryoshka for Club Med

Character design, Illustration and Painting

Club Med wanted to present its VIP customers with an unusual gift, a wooden Russian doll and invite them to their boutique resorts.
I created the first model for production.

The first outer doll is a very stressed man. As the clients open them, one by one, the man's expression gets lighter and lighter. The last one is a smiling and relaxed dude with the invitation gift wrapped around him.

The first outer doll is a very stressed man. As the clients open them, one by one, the man's expression gets lighter and lighter. The last one is a smiling and relaxed dude with the invitation gift wrapped around him.

From the left to the right: Fully stressed out, PC beige skin color, Teeth clenching workaholic, Relaxed and the last one, the Sun tanned, red dot speedo guy holding an ice cream.

From the left to the right: Fully stressed out, PC beige skin color, Teeth clenching workaholic, Relaxed and the last one, the Sun tanned, red dot speedo guy holding an ice cream.


I used airbrush and acrylic paint over the wooden matrioska.